If a player is ejected, they are immediately suspended from every Intramural Sports competition. The Intramural Sports Coordinator will review the Ejection Form submitted by the Intramural Sports Lead to determine if further action is warranted. If a meeting between the Intramural Sports Coordinator and participant is required, the steps below must be completed and will meet with the ejected participant(s) and appropriate penalties will be determined, if applicable. If a meet participants must complete the following steps to become eligible to play in ANY sport:

  1. Within 24 hours of the ejection, the Intramural Sports Coordinator will contact the ejected participant to inform them of their status (no suspension necessary, meeting required, report send to Student Accountability, etc.).
  2. If a meeting is required, the ejected participant must respond to the Intramural Sports  Coordinator with three times that they are available to meet, within 24 hours of receiving the notification.
  3. The Intramural Sports Coordinator will reply to you confirming one of your meeting times or proposing alternate times to meet.     
  4. Serve your suspension, if applicable.
  5. Eligibility reinstated.

*Incidents involving physical violence, verbal/nonverbal bias, and threatening language may be report to the Office of Student Accountability & Support for further review.